By his Grace
You Can Live Close To God
Compass First
Most Abused Word In The English Language
The Foundation Of Our Thinking
Raising Children Of Good Character
Got It All & Still Not Happy
More To Follow
It is not uncommon at all for those of us in the church to seek to guide a potential or new convert to the faith and in the process begin to cast “the net“ of our doctrines & customs over them.
It is this very action, albeit with good intention, that often drives these very ones who are so interested, to begin to question what we teach and subsequently decide to move on.
Inside each human person there is what I call our Internal Compass. This compass tends to point us, with regard to morals and principles, in the direction we should go in life. In the course of our lives we do not always follow that compass, but it nonetheless still resides in our mind and continues its work even though at times we take another direction.
I consider the direction of this compass, when it is pointing directly towards God‘s will & direction for our lives, to be pointing to “True North“. Hence true north is the direction we should want to encourage people towards.
For the great majority of people, their compass tends to swing this way and that. Sometimes towards true north, but often-times back and forth. As a person goes through life, the compass begins to point more and more in a particular direction, that becomes the predominant direction of their life.
I propose that the process of helping a new believer should follow a course that is essentially like this. In Romans chapter 14 Paul writes that we are to receive those who are week in the faith and not to dispute over doubtful things. He continues on to describe some of those doubtful things which very clearly point towards doctrines and customs.
As we begin to help a new believer we should absolutely start with the compass – the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus sent out the disciples as gospel workers. They were to seek those who did not know Him and teach of His love for the sinner and desire to forgive their sins and to save them. That was their gospel work and it is to be our work also.
Without an established love for God and his son Jesus Christ the savior of all those who seek him, the new believer has no foundation upon which to set doctrines and customs. The very desires and will of God as to how we should live will seem as excess baggage to the person who has not established a love for Christ. And what do we do with excess baggage, we cast it to the side and move on. This is a big reason so very many people, who initially seem to have a strong interest in what we teach, ultimately move on. So often it is because we put the cart before the horse. The doctrines before the love story. This not only happens with adults around us but quite often with our own Children.
Often we paint a picture of God to our children which is built upon doctrines and customs and of course some of our own rules of life when we have inadvertently skipped the love story that our Lord so desperately wanted us to paint for them.
It is not uncommon that this is also the very reason that so many of our young people continue to go to church, but outside the church walls they live a life that seldom reflects God’s will for them. The “ought to’s” that we taught them on how they should live, continue to bounce around in their head. However, without that foundation of a deep love for Jesus, to serve Him out of love, they still tend to follow the desires of this world - even in the face of our continued admonishment. Despite our deep love for our children it is too easy to undermine the process of growing and strengthening faith when we have not helped them to build that love foundation. It is the love relationship with Jesus that causes the internal compass to swing strongly towards true north.
It is good to remember that God‘s calling is not so much to do something, but to be something. And that something that he desires us to “Be”, comes directly out of His love for us and our responding love for Him. We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19.
In closing, let me say that the critical message is to help the individual meet Jesus and experience His love. And when their needle points true North and dwell there, they will, because of the love that is growing for the Savior, begin to seek His will for all the different facets of their life. As their compass dwells on true north, the door of their heart and mind will be opened more and more to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead them into deeper truths, doctrines and positive customs. And if they want us to help them understand those facets we will be most blessed in having the opportunity to help them. But, if we introduce them to the doctrines and customs before their needle is hanging on true North, there is a high probability that they will move on. To us, our efforts will be frustrated and to them we may have painted a very wrong picture of the God who so desperately loves them and seeks to save them.
Compass first, then all the rest!
Do you know anyone who, whenever you are having a conversation, they talk so much that you can’t get a word in edgewise? Perhaps you are even thinking of one or more of those folks right now. When you’re in that situation it kind of seems like what you have to say just doesn’t make much difference. The only thing the other person is concerned about is what’s on their mind.
A few years back I was heading up a luncheon bible study at a clients place of business. There were probably around 40 people in the group. As I started into the topic of the day, a person in the group spoke up and said “you know, I wish God would just tell me what he wants me to do instead of always having to try and figure it out“. I was familiar with that question because I myself had asked the same thing, many times in earlier years.
As I often do when something like this comes up out of the blue, I quietly ask the Lord how I should respond. This is what He brought to my mind and is what I shared with the group.
How does God usually speak to us? It’s through His written word, the Holy Bible. Yes, on occasion He speaks directly/audibly, like when He spoke to Saul on the road to Damascus. But most of the time, it is thru His word.
And so, how do we usually speak to God? You got it - it’s through prayer.
I have experienced over the years from talking to people, that there are many who mostly pray. When I ask them if they read their Bible very much, they will often say something like, I mostly pray to God and that’s how I communicate with Him.
Remember the person you thought of a few minutes ago who does all the talking when you’re around them. Remember how hard it is to get a word in edgewise. If we only/mostly pray, then in reality it’s just a one-way conversation and God can hardly get a word in.
Maybe you have thought, reading the bible takes a lot of time. Well, it does take time. But I would challenge you to remember; anything we truly desire, we tend to find time for.
Despite thoughts to the contrary, God’s word transcends time, cultures & history. It is for all people in all times of this earth’s history. And if you want to understand how to understand the things of God and His word, you will want to read what the bible has to say about The Mystery Of God (I also prepared a paper on it).
I encourage you to seriously consider your conversations with God. He has already told us in His word, what he desires for us to do - if we are willing to hear what He has to say. But, if we don’t read his word, then He too, cannot get a word in edgewise.
Stay close to God and live in peace.
For many years now I have heard it said at the end of a phone conversation, at the end of a face-to-face meeting and so many other places, “love you“. Telling someone that you love them is something I certainly believe in wholeheartedly and do quite often myself.
Not too long ago I begin to hear another message in those words. I started listening to people around me. Much of my listening was while they were on their phone, but also after talking directly with someone. What I begin to hear was a message more like a mantra. A mantra is something we say repetitively without specific consideration on the matter. The more I listened the more I begin to realize how very common it is for people to say “love you“. It is said in many situations where you would not expect it. At times I hear a person talking to somebody who they are irritated with, disagree with, are rude to, inconsiderate of and even totally disrespectful to. And yet, at the end of their conversation they will say “love you“.
I’ve even heard on a few occasions where someone will inadvertently say love you to someone they don’t even know, because it just rolled out of their mouth without thinking.
It is very true, that nothing in this world improves or advances without love. Love, is the essence of what draws us closer to others with compassion, concern for them and the desire to lift others up. To a large degree, it is love for others that tends to round off the sharp corners of our personalities. Love undoubtedly is a critical part of human life.
Therefore, if love is truly critical and we speak the word so often, to so many, why is there is so much strife and animosity between people, between family members, friends and so many others.
Consider for a minute turning to 1 Corinthians 13 and take a decided look. This text in the bible will shed a lot of clarity on the meaning of love and perhaps greatly improve our appreciation of what love really means.
I want to say that love is not something that just is; it is something that comes into existence only when it is given away. Not an emotion, but a gift.
The first 3 verses speak to the essence of why Love is so important. But then, the next 4 versus began to show what love really is.
1- Love suffers long . . . we are willing to endure much for the sake of others.
2- Love is kind . . . we are friendly and consider the needs and concerns of others.
3- Love does not envy . . . we are not unhappy or dissatisfied because we don’t have what, or as
much, as another person.
4- Love does not parade itself . . . we do not show off ourselves to gain advantage.
5- Love is not puffed up . . . we are not overly proud of ourselves, stressing our importance.
6- Love does not behave rudely . . . we are not offensive or ill-mannered to others.
7- Love does not seek it’s own . . . we do not do good for our own gain.
8- Love is not provoked . . . we do not allow those we care about to drive us to act badly.
9- Love thinks no evil . . . if we are loving to someone, we do not dwell on derogatory or demeaning
thoughts of them. For if we do, even if we have been offended by them,
it is not love.
10- Love does not rejoice in iniquity . . . we do not entertain joy or delight in someone being treated
unfairly or unjustly – even if they deserve it.
11- Love rejoices in truth . . . we celebrate truth and if it’s the truth coming out about someone’s
wrongdoing, we leave the justice on the matter to the Lord.
12- Love bears all things . . . when we come to difficulties, the love that God gives us, allows us to
be able to bear it.
Seems like a tall order doesn’t it. And yet, maybe it’s one of the most important things we can do to improve our lives and the lives of those around us. If you ask me, I think it ranks right near the top of the list! And if you ask the Lord to open you mind to the subject – He Will.
I encourage you to take a Fresh Look at Love!
Many English words have multiple meanings. The meaning you choose will dictate your perspective and how you understand the concept you are considering.
It is very common for a person who is seeking understanding from what they have read in the Holy Scriptures to come across an English Word with multiple meanings and not be sure of the actual intent, with regard to how the word is being used.
The word fear is one of those very words and how are you understand that it is being used is very critical in so much of how we view God. In fact, that single word has been used to steer countless millions of people away from God, when in fact it should be steering them towards Him.
In reading the Scriptures a person cannot avoid the messages telling of God‘s great love for mankind. Over and over again the Lord seeks to lead people into righteousness. Yes, he disciplines at times when they head down a path that would take them to their own destruction and yet he makes it clear that he loves them with an everlasting love that never gives up on them.
While God seeks to convey a message of love, the deceiver Lucifer/Satan has worked very hard to cause mankind to have a different perspective of God. Satan uses the word fear to drive a wedge between mankind and the loving God that created them.
The word fear has at least two distinct meanings. First, it means to be afraid, to fear for one’s safety. On the other hand, fear very clearly means to be in awe and to see something or someone as awesome. There is a whole world of meaning behind the word fear. If regarded in the way that words should be understood, by using them in their proper context, then the word fear leads us to understand that when the holy Scriptures speak of the fear of the Lord, it almost always refers to seeing the Lord with reverence, in wonderment, with amazement and being astonished at who He really is. These are the best words that the English language offers to be able to see God in all that He is and can be to us and for us.
How very sad that the Enemy has been able to deceive us so greatly by causing so many people to see the loving creator God and Lord of our safety and salvation, as a dictatorial overlord who just wants to control us.
I encourage you to study the meaning of the word fear; then re-read “the fear of the Lord“ for yourself and your family, in the correct context that God intended it to be. Only in this way can truly see Him for what he desires to be in our lives.
God Bless
Fasting and prayer is not a technique or a program; it is a spiritual and relationship experience. It is not where the Lord calls us to do certain things just right, but to “step in the water” to seek a deeper relationship and dependence on Him. To take time to be alone with Him & to let Him be our rock, our support.
Remember, where the scriptures tell us the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous person (one who is surrendered to the Lord), availeth much (makes a difference), James 5:16.
And remember also where Job prayed daily for his children daily, in case they had sinned, Job 1:5.
When we take these 2 scriptures (and of course there are many others), we can see that prayer is a privilege the Lord extends to us to intervene on behalf of someone else. And, fasting is a privilege to experience (more than before) depending on our God to sustain us. Plus, in my experience if you are praying for a certain person or situation, while fasting, the fasting causes you to be much more focused and tuned in, to what you are praying for.
If the thought of fasting and prayer leaves you with a lot of questions, let me share a few thoughts..
- Carve out time at the beginning of every day to spend time with God in His word and let Him speak to you however He desires.
- make a list of specific people and or situations you want to pray for.
- set aside regular times (however short or long) in your day for prayer regarding those matters and decide they will be a priority/major focus of your day.
- As far as fasting, if you are not sure what to do, then start by following the lead of Daniel and remove all pleasant/pleasing/spicey foods from your diet and significantly decrease the amount you eat each meal. Pushing away hungry is a good step. Of course you always want to follow and dietary restrictions your doctor may have given you.
- However long a time you plan to fast, I suggest putting that before the Lord for His guidance.
If you feel led to fast and pray, but just feel uneasy about it, tell the Lord how you feel and ask Him to guide you through it.
The important thing is to approach our God, tell him you want to enter into this new experience with Him and then step into the water and follow His lead. Remember, this is you and Him. He leads and you follow. He sustains and you depend on Him to do so. And, let the Spirit do His work in you and in whatever situation or person you are bringing to the Lord in prayer!
So often decisions need to be made and we aren’t sure what to do. The Lord says in scripture (John 14:25-26) that He will bring to our remembrance what He has said. To experience remembrance, we must have already placed the information in our mind.
Therefore, God’s word should be the “foundation” of our thinking. If we have laid down in our own mind, the principles and purposes of God, which we find in His word and have understood by the Spirit, then these will be like steppingstones showing us the way to go. They will empower us to make Godly decisions.
Hannah chose to raise up her son Samuel in the way of the Lord, and it paid great dividends. It is recorded that he maintained his integrity (living by what you say you believe) all his days and that is a blessing all mothers and fathers desire for their children.
What a blessing that we are all free to choose the path for our lives. Yet, in most cases it is true that, “As a mother and father live, so will their children live”.
Dad and Mom, remember these few things:
• Be patient with all those around and your child will learn Patience.
• If you are slow to anger and do not let others provoke you to anger, your child will learn Self Control.
• Do not speak enviously of others and you child will learn to be satisfied.
• Do not let others provoke you to go against your principles and your best judgement, and your child will learn stand for what is good and right.
• If you do not speak or even entertain evil or revengeful thoughts, your child will learn kindnesseven to those who don’t deserve it.
• Do not seek gain over someone else at their expense and if you teach your children the same, they will learn honestyin all things.
• It is good to be proud of the good our children and others do. If we are not too proudful & boastful, then our children will learn to appreciate and honor others.
• When we choose not to speak rudely to others, even when they deserve it, our children will learn to be well mannered, to choose which battles we fight and to depend on good judgementand not just emotions.
• If we do not parade ourselves around over what we have accomplished, our children will learn not to seek gain at the expense of others.
• Do not celebrate or entertain your home with wrong or immoral things and your child will learn right from wrong.
• Show kindness and generosity to others and your children, especially when they are down and out and your child will learn to do the same and to have compassion.
• Honor your mother and father (even when they don’t deserve it) and your children will honor you (even if you do not deserve it.)
All these, are acts of Love to our children, and to all those that our children will one day come into contact with. They build strong character in our children. It is a big part of paying forward goodness and love to others; the very same love that God has shown to all of us. And these ways of living do honor God. (Matthew 25:40)
Oh and remember, if you don’t have a child of your own, there are many around you who are starving for someone to love and mentor them.
So go for it, you have everything to gain and nothing to loose.
God bless,
Bro. Frank
It is an odd thing how the human mind so often declares that it wants to be free. Free to make their own choices, to think the way they want to; and to live their own way. And yet, even when it is seriously offered to them, they still aren’t happy. So many want God’s goodness & still keep one foot in the world. But can that work? Can you have both forever?
It has often been said the God’s word is merely a list of demands, obligations that he places on our shoulders. And you better do what He says or else!
The real story goes like this. In the beginning, God created a perfect world for our first parents, and left them free to choose their activities. He charged them with things, like naming the animals and watching over his creation, but he gave them total freedom to choose what they did with their time and their life.
Of course, we all know that the one prohibition that He put in their life was a very simple and straightforward one. Yet, it’s the very thing that they violated. They were not to eat of the “Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil” – but they did. That violation, we all know as “sin”.
If you have lived to adulthood, you can absolutely see the results of the sin that resulted from their actions. And why did God allow sin to occur? Well, it’s because He gave them the freedom to choose. In truth, He has always been a God of freedom to choose.
Now some may say yes, but why does God even allow sin to exist? Well, the freedom that He extends to each of us humans, was also extended to all his angels, which included Lucifer. As you probably know, Lucifer made the choice to go against God, and he also acquired a new name which we know as Satan.
When we stop and seriously consider the outcome of sin in our world, each of us intuitively know that a world of sin ultimately results in its own destruction. “The wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life”. The wages of sin are not death because God wanted to punish us, but because anything apart from God, eventually dies. He is the sustain power of life. He is the Source of life and without the source, life cannot be sustained forever.
I have often said it this way. Sins are like land mines in our life. Each one, if cherished, or should I say, held onto, will eventually blow up; and ultimately those explosions will take our lives. The word of God, the Bible, is like a field manual to show us the way through this life and avoid many of the land mines. Those who have stepped on some of these mines as they go through this life and experienced an explosion can tell you with certainty that they need to be avoided. Sometimes we can step on one of the mines and do not explode until the very end of this world.
So, what does God want in the end? In reality, He does not want there to be an end. He desires to re-create a world full of all the best for you and me. And he desires that very same thing for every single person who desires to be with Him eternally.
Currently, God is gathering a family. He is seeking those who desire the best of goodness, of love, joy, peace, and so much more. However, there is a very clear dividing line that exists. It’s the line between those who prefer the things of this world, including all its sickness, and those who desire what God has to offer. The dividing line can be very clearly understood through the word of God, the Bible, along with the wisdom and understanding that is given by the Holy Spirit, leading us through the Word. In the bible, 1 Corinthians 2:8-16, tells us that the things of God are understood by the Holy Spirit guiding us into that understanding.
God’s desire is to also show us, all the land mines and how to skirt around them. But He will never demand that you do as He says. He will never require you to live with Him eternally. It always has been, and always will be your free choice. However, He does have a hard and fast rule; He cannot and will not allow anyone to walk sin back into His new creation once He has cleansed the world of all that sin. Not only is that His requirement, but it is a very simple one to understand. And anyone who has experienced the ugly side of this life will understand that.
Bottom line: mankind has always been free, and always will be free! That’s the God we serve. But remember, if you choose the world Instead, it only last so long. He promises that sin will not raise it’s ugly head again, ever. And to make that promise, He must get rid of all the bad, forever.
God bless,
Bro. Frank